F2 Video Proof

The Power Of F2
This video shows some recent testing with our F2 Eco hull protection coating. Below you will find written testimonials by the independent testers on this video. F2 Eco is unbelievably powerful and yet 100% Eco Friendly.

"My name is Chris Ashley of Nanotech Marine, we were established in 2010 and are based in Southampton. We have many years of experience within the Marine Industry and are able to make independent and qualified advice on how to maintain your vessel to the highest standard. 


In 2021 we were asked by Ocean Coatings to independently monitor the performance of a new ‘antifouling’ F2 coating . The coatings were applied to test panels and were immersed in the waters of Hamble point, an area recognised with active growth of Marine Fouling. To date i.e. September 2023 we are continuing to monitor performance and the power of F2 video is a true record of our independent findings. 


In summary the F2 coating offers exceptional ‘antifouling’ protection over the long term with very little maintenance, in addition we observed that the coating performance improves over time. We can clearly see F2 Eco hull protection helps with the protection of the Marine Environment as it is VOC free, toxin free, solvent free and free from all biocides."


Chris Ashley

Nanotech Marine

"My name is David Cook and I have been associated with yachting on the Clyde for over 30 years with many well known marques in the Yachting and Power Boating world. – all adding up to a vast experience of the main stream and vessel maintenance market. 


In 2021 we were asked by Ocean Coatings to independently monitor the performance of a new ‘antifouling’ F2 coating that they were developing. The coatings were applied to test panels and were immersed in the waters of RHU Marina and Largs Marina, areas with very active growth of Marine Fouling, mainly due to the waters being fed by the Gulf Stream. To date i.e. September 2023 we are continuing to monitor performance and the power of F2 Video is a true record of our independent findings. In summary the F2 coating offers exceptional ‘antifouling’ protection especially over the long term with very little maintenance. We understand F2 also protects the Marine Environment as it is inert and does not ‘leach’ whilst being biocide, toxin, solvent and VOC free. Our observations also noted the ease of removal of any fouling which did occur and that the coating performance improved over time whilst ‘curing’ in the waters, to the extent that some 6 months after immersion the coated surfaces were almost completely free of any form of fouling."

David Cook

David Cook Yachts

Learn More About F2

F2 The Solution To

Marine Growth

Test plates - Rhu, Scotland 2024

Introduction to F2

F2 ECO the solution

How cost effective is F2 ECO?

Why is antifouling paint needed?

F2 Eco vs Traditional anti-fouling

F2 Opti Prop propeller protection

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